
Randle, T. “Solms-Delta: a story van de Caab” in Capensis: Quartely Journal of the Western Cape Branch of the Genealogicial Society of South Africa. 2008. (1).

“The estate known as Delta was first planted to vines in the 17th century, but it was only in 2001 that it began to redress the painful history upon which the SA wine industry was built. This was done through the granting of a substantial shareholding to historically disadvantaged tenant-workers on the estate, and the establishment of a museum which provides visitors with an authentic experience that does not gloss over the facts. It explores our history from all points of view, with special emphasis on the personal experiences of dispossessed Khoe-San, pioneer settlers, slaves, and the current resident labourers – who remember only too well what it meant to be a farm-worker in the apartheid years – but also our hopes for the future…”

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